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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When life decided to fuck me over, I screamed in the middle of it "wait!! got a condom?" xD

And now things are fine :)
Life is actually really good now, compared to 72 hours ago. For instance me and [person] are friends again which sent me over the moon through the stars and back again... I won The Lollipop game like 5 times today, I even won against beautiful Tahdgh. Got my hair cut xD I love short hair on me. In daves words its "Georgous...[he changed my name from gorgeous cause he's cool and shizz]. Ummm.... chyahh and I dunno I just seemed to have a really good day. Going to town on saturday with a whole loada people to see JHAH....Sketch [awesomest person in the whole friking world like omg i love you xD] is coming down with some cool peeps for a little while aswell so ima buy him a coffee :P...and chyahh I still hate singlness but not much I can do there.
I've decided that as my JC results are out soonish ima prep myself for them.... fuck I don't think i care too much.. It's only the Jc for fuck sake like cmonnn.. People over-rated the Jc soooo much like seriously anyone doing it this year calm yo'selves down!! I walked out of my exams going "are you freakin' serious? that was the dreaded JUNIOUR CERT Blaahhhhhhhhhhh!" I shall state this ever so clearly: Junior Certificate is a load of bullshit. It means nothing. Clear enough? Anywhooo... So I've figured something out lately, I am an over thinker... I think about things waayy too much and even the little things that most people would blow off I would consider to be awesome [cause i'm all cool and shit] I tend to over think them and anlyse them in my head like way too much and yeah... its kinda stupid but whatever.

So yeah thats all I can update on right now... oh and Roll on 5th Year

Oh and mentions for people: Lucy Bennet cause she reads this everytime I update it
Diarmuid and Elise cause they my best mates
Sketch cause...he's Sketch and he's awesome and shizzz :D
Dave cause....he's just Dave and derserves a mention (Y)
Keeva cause she's all beuatiful and stuff
Hazel cause I own her ;)
Danny cause he's the shizzzzzz
Well okay Ciao for Now

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